


Title : 消費社会における医師患者関係論 -医療消費者としての患者-
Subtitle :
Authors : 深川雅彦, 畑中泰道
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 医療法人社団敬和会 深川歯科
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 41
Number : 1
Page : 63-66
Year/Month : 2006 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : はじめに 現代社会を特徴づける概念のひとつに「消費社会」がある. これは「ありとあらゆるものが『消費』の対象となる社会」である. 「消費」とは, 簡単に言うなら「人間の欲望を満足させるために, 財やサービスを利用したり消耗したりすること」1)だが, この「人間の欲望を満足させるために」というのが実は消費の本質であると言っても過言ではない. 医療は基本的には「需要」ではなく「ニード」に基づくとされ, 欲望の満足という側面はあまりないようにも考えられているが2), たとえば「プチ整形」といった言葉に象徴される美容整形の流行を見てもわかるとおり, 「欲望を満足」するために, 医療を「消費」することは現代ではけっして珍しいものではない. このような「消費社会」では, 従来の「ニード」に基づく医療とは異なる医師患者関係が生じることは容易に想像できる. 「由らしむべし, 知らしむべからず」という言葉が象徴的に示す従来の医師患者関係を疑問視する傾向が強いことは, 日々の診療場面で実感されていることだろう.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 医療社会学, 医療消費者, 医師患者関係, 消費社会


Title : Doctor-Patient Relationships in Consumer Society ―Patient As Consumers of Medical Services―
Subtitle :
Authors : Masahiko FUKAGAWA, Yasumichi HATANAKA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Fukagawa Dental Office
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 41
Number : 1
Page : 63-66
Year/Month : 2006 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : In this paper, we address changing doctor-patient relationships in consumer society, in which patients as “consumers” are assuming a more active role in determining the course and choosing particular ways of treatment based on their tastes. We consider general changes in demands of consumer-patients, and how doctors in general and dentists in particular should cope with the trend of consumerization and build appropriate relationships with consumer-patients, which should be based less on paternalism, and more on branding and marketing. Dentistry is distinguished from general medical practice in that its coverage is increasingly characterized as “demands” in a technical sense, which are the source of consumption to satisfy desires of consumers. This particularity should be appropriately addressed with a more consumer-oriented conception of dental practice. Our argument proceeds as follows. Firstly, we look at the historical development of the concepts of consumption and consumers, and general features of modern consumer society and its effects on medical practice, which can, in the present context, be regarded as “tradable goods”. Secondly, we look at the three stages of change of the status of the patient toward more autonomy and active choice, and its effects on doctor-patient relationships. Thirdly, we address the problem of consumerization in dental practice and its implications on conceptions and ways of practice. Then we argue the importance of branding and “experiential” marketing in dental practice in consumer society, and suggest some ways toward putting these into practice.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :