


Title : チタン・骨内インプラント植立後の周囲組織 - 血管構築と骨修復 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 中村社綱, 岸好彰, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 29
Number : 2
Page : 113-132
Year/Month : 1994 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 失われた咬合・咀嚼機能を歯の移植あるいは人工歯根(インプラント)の植立によって回復させようとする, いわゆる置換医療が長期の研究努力によって近年脚光を浴びるようになり, 臨床での普及が急速に拡がりつつある. 人工歯根は骨内での維持様式によって, インプラント体と骨とが直接接触(骨接合, 骨結合)するものと, 線維性結合組織による被包化によるものとの二つに大別されている. いずれの維持様式をとるにせよ, 人工歯根が顎骨内で長期的に安定固定され十分な機能を営むためには, 前者の様式が望ましいと考えられている. 我々は口腔組織, 臓器における微細血管構築を主体に, その正常像, 発育像や治癒像などを微細血管鋳型法と走査電顕とを併用することにより立体的に検索しつづけている. その一環として臨床で多用されているインプラントの一種であるBonefit(R)インプラント(ITI)を実験的にイヌ下顎骨に植立し, その後の周囲組織の修復・再生によるインプラントと骨との結合, すなわちOsseointegration(Branemarkら1969)の達成までを, インプラント周囲の骨新生ならびに骨新生時に寄与する新生血管網の経時的変化に注目し, 血管鋳型法と組織切片とで立体的に検索することにより, 臨床での裏付けを得る目的で本実験を行った.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : bonefitインプラント, 血管鋳型法, 血管構築, osseointegration, SEM


Title : Vascular Architecture and Osseous Healing in Surrounding Tissues of Titanium Endosseous Implants
Subtitle :
Authors : Takatsuna NAKAMURA, Yoshiaki KISHI, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 29
Number : 2
Page : 113-132
Year/Month : 1994 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The aims of this study are mainly to clarify the process of osseointegration occurring between the implant and the pre-existing bone, and the sequential changes of the microvascular architecture during osteogenesis after implantation. The titanium endosseous implant which is known as one of the bonefit implants was applied into the experimentally extracted sockets of the 3rd and 4th mandibular premolars of healthy dogs. The specimens of microvascular corrosion casts with bone tissue and the histological sections of non-decalcified tissues were prepared from these dogs at various intervals after the implantation, and were studied three-dimensionally by scanning electron microscopy and by light microscopy. (1) At 1 week after the implantation, several tiny process-like bone buds were observed to be radiating from the surface of the pre-existing bone. A few primary bone trabeculae had already developed and extended themselves to join the implant in some restricted portions at the 2nd week. Particularly, in the side-hole portion of the implant, well-developed bone bridges had been built up by these new bone trabeculae. At the twelveth week, not only had the osseointegration occurred between the implant and the new bone in more than 80% of the surrounding area but also the bone trabeculae had formed a lamellar structure as well as that of the pre-existing bones except in the side-hole portion where the bone trabeculae still showed a primary stucture that reflected a delayed osteogenesis occurring in this portion. (2) Between the 1st and 2nd weeks after the implantation, the microvascularization had reached its peak and the newly-formed vessels were found to be sinusoidal capillaries. These capillaries developed to form a capillary plexus by anastomosis and it showed a similar distribution pattern to those of the periodontium in the natural teeth at the time prior to the immersion into the forming bone. During the 2nd to 4th weeks after implantation, while the plexus was going to be immersed into the forming bone tissue, the capillary connections existing within the plexus were blocked by the bone tissue so that the vessels were forced to remodel itself into a characteristic vascular plexus having an isolated loop-shape. At the twelveth week, all the newly-formed vessels were immersed into the bone tissue after sharply decreasing their number, and showed the same morphology as those of the pre-existing bones.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : osseointegration, SEM