


Title : フッ化アンモニア銀液のratに対する急性および亜急性毒性について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 前原潔, 井藤信義, 大成しのぶ, 吉川幹男*1, 佐藤精一*2, 森政和
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 大阪歯科大学薬理学教室, *1城西歯科大学口腔衛生学教室, *2城西歯科大学薬理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 8
Number : 3
Page : 103-110
Year/Month : 1973 / 11
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 歯牙う蝕予防と象牙質知覚過敏症の治療にすぐれた薬理作用を現わすフッ化アンモニア銀液のratに対する急性毒性と亜急性毒性について実験を行った. 急性毒性は, 経口, 皮下および腹腔内投与について, また亜急性毒性は, 30日間連続経口投与ratについて, それぞれの中毒症状と体重, 尿, 血液および臓器重量について調べ次の結果を得た. 1)急性毒性試験では, その中毒症状は, 眼裂の閉鎖, 鼻汁, および高用量で腸出血や肝肥大がみられた. しかし, 諸反射は死の直前までよく保たれた. そしてLD50値は経口投与で雄57mg/100g, 雌54mg/100g, 皮下注射で雄34mg/100g, 雌36mg/100g, そして腹腔内注射では雄9.6mg/100g, 雌10.0mg/100gであった. 2) 30日間連続経口投与ratでは, 投与量の増量に応じて体重の減少がみられた. また尿所見, 血液所見および臓器重量には対照との間に大差はなかったが, 高用量で, 胃壁が肉眼的にみて薄くなった.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Silver Ammonium Fluoride on Rats
Subtitle :
Authors : Kiyoshi Maehara, Nobuyoshi Ito, Shinobu Onari, Mikio Yoshikawa, Seiichi Sato
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Dept. of Pharmacology, Osaka Dental University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 8
Number : 3
Page : 103-110
Year/Month : 1973 / 11
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Summary] The experiment was conducted on rats in order to clarify the acute and subacute toxicity of silver ammonium fluoride, which has an excellent pharmacological effect for the treatment of hypersensitive dentine and the prevention of carious. For acute toxicity, the lethal dose was examined after oral subcutaneous and intraperitoneal administrations. In case of subcute toxicity, body weight, urine, blood and wet organic weight were examined. The result of the above experiments are summarrized as follows: 1) After high dose of the drug administraion, a marked ptosis, nasal discharge, intestinal hemorrhage, and hypertrophy of liver were odserved. However, all the reflexes were remained intact until the death. The LD50 was 57mg/100g for male, and 54mg/100g for female after oral administration; 34mg/100g for male, and 35mg/100g for female following sudcutaneous injection, and 9.6mg/100g for male, and 10.0mg/100g for female after intraperitoneal injection. 2) After 30 days of oral administaration, the body weight was decreased in proportion to increase of dosage. The urine, blood, and wet organic weight were not altered, however, gastric wall found to be thinned.
Practice : Dentistry
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